Tuesday, October 28, 2008

ALA Midwinter Conference (Denver, 2009)?

I'm wondering about whether or not to attend the mid winter (late January 2009) conference of the American Library Association in Denver, Colorado. Mainly, I was interested because I happened to get a lead on a fairly cheap flight down there. On the other hand, I'll have to give up a week's income to attend (such is the bane of a part time job; if one isn't physically present and working, then no pay...).

I'm curious to know if any readers out there have attended ALA conferences lately. How does the midwinter compare against the "primary" conference held in the summer?


Russell James said...

Midwinter has a lot fewer sessions. It is a time when all the committees meet. If you don't serve on a committee or a roundtable, the only reason to go is to schmooze.

Russell James said...

Midwinter is a time to schmooze because it is primarily a time for committees and roundtables to meet, very little else.